There are reports that a blond woman — it is not known who Update: it's his mother-in-law — was rushed to hospital on "advanced life support" after a 911 call at 2.36am.

Update: The AP is reporting that the woman is Barbro Holmberg, Elin Nordegren's mother who recently flew from Sweden to Florida to support her daughter. The AP says the hospital has said Holmgren is in stable condition after being transported there after a 911 call from Woods' home. A Swedish tipster tell us that Holmberg's spokesperson (she's a politician) just made the following statement:

She was brought to the hospital after complaining about stomach pains. She is, considering the circumstances, feeling relatively well and she will remain at the hospital for observation and additional tests. We are counting on having her back on the job Monday as planned.

NBC, via Orlando news station WESH, say the woman, who was logged only as an adult female, went to nearby Health Central Hospital. A black Cadillac Escalade — similar to the one Woods was driving when he crashed into a tree and fire hydrant at 2.25am on November 27 — pulled up at the hospital shortly after she arrived. Here's a brief video, from WESH:

Click to view

This comes on the back of news today that Woods was treated for some kind of overdose after his accident, and that his wife Elin has bought a house in her native Sweden. Looks like the Guardian was wrong and the Woods saga continues.

Thanks to all the tipsters who sent this in.


Witnesses told WFTV that the Escalade was driven by an attractive blonde who bore similarities to Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren, and the car's license plate was one number off from the plate on the car Woods was driving the night of the crash.

Tiger Woods showed up 45 minutes later, according to the New York Post. The woman, who remains unidentified, has now been released from hospital.