John McCain must be shaking his head. The former Republican presidential candidate has reportedly been approached by multiple publishers to write a book about that insane running mate he picked, Sarah Palin. And they're offering crazy amounts of money.

McCain was approached by at least three different "agents and publishers" about a behind-the-scenes, tell-all campaign book, PopEater hears, with at least one offering him $8 million. And people aren't asking about his Mavericky ideas to save the country from liberals and Islamic extremists, they just want to hear more about his inexplicable VP candidate, Sarah Palin:

"A juicy book by John where he finally addresses all the questions concerning his running mate would be the hottest book of the year. Even bigger than Sarah's book," one publisher says.

And of course, who's to say McCain won't, just to smack down Palin's already-discredited stories about him and his staff in her memoir Going Rogue, while topping her advance to boot?