This Next Bubble Is Going to Be So Awesome

The Way We Live Now: Bubblicious. The Great American Real Estate Bubble is so one bubble ago. People are already gulping in fear for the new bubble. Will it be stocks? Asian currencies? Failed laundromats? Boutique hotels? Golden pennies? Sure!
Before you could even dust yourself off from the last bankruptcy, the wondrous free market is roaring ahead with a plan for your next one: "Concerns are mounting that efforts by governments and central banks to stoke a recovery will create a nasty side effect: asset bubbles in real-estate, stock and currency markets, especially in Asia."
Asia! Stop that, will you!
They are so totally into anything that makes bubbles, over there. Here in the USA, we're very particular about that sort of thing. Stocks and real estate? Boring as Xanax and apple sauce! Here, we're madly rushing to bet on the rebound of the flailing coin-operated laundry market, and investing in golden pennies made by artists (which is extra hard since there's only one), and oooo, impressionist art is so tantalizingly affordable right now!
It can only go up!
And America can never have too many luxury boutique hotels. Never!
So just keep investing, and hang in there. The funnest part of a bubble is when it pops.
[Pic: Flickr]