It feels like years since we saw our first inkjet printing of Kanye West taped to the office refrigerator alongside either our favorite 80s cartoon character or freshest dead celebrity.

Like a meta-New Yorker cartoon, we filled in speech bubbles in hopes of having the funniest punch-lines. It wasn't long after that we voluntarily evolved the phenomenon to include names of friends and loved ones; each of us holding close hopes of universally personalizing that question as to who Kanye was going to let finish. Eventually time went by, and we forgot all about the self proclaimed hip-hop deity who has long since passed into relative obscurity.

It's taken the world by surprise that reclusive filmmaker Spike Jonze, a figurehead not seen since the release of his silver screen classic, Where The Wild Things Are, would join forces with yesteryear's eccentric urban maestro Kanye West for a cinematic opus too big for the big screen, and too hot for television.

The film is being presented here in it's entirety, in case you are under the impression that this is culturally relevant art house fare... but if you want one man's humble opinion, this movie doesn't really start until five minutes and three seconds into the second part. Why? Spoiler alert: A muppet commits suicide.