Oracle laid off hundreds of employees this year, and is expected to lay off thousands more. But that won't keep the business software company's CEO from taunting workers about his yacht. Don't you wish you had one, you broke-ass poor?

Larry Ellison's racing yacht is awesome, according to comments from Larry Ellison at a San Francisco party attended by his salespeople and biggest customers. As quoted by Software Development Times' Alex Handy, who writes that Ellison's "behavior in keynotes is getting worse every year:"

He started his talk with a five minute video of [Ellison's] Oracle BMW sailboat ... After the video, Ellison comes on stage with this massively smug look on his face, grinning like he's just bought the last candy bar in front of a herd of little kids at the candy store.

His first words? "It's a great boat, you should get one."

Ha ha ha! Oh, and did he follow up with, "but I guess you're probably pinching pennies, since unemployment is 10 percent, and your colleagues are getting laid off, and your mortgage is probably under water, and Oracle shares have been trading sideways for two years!?" Because that would be hi-larious.

Then Ellison brought out Aerosmith, who were there "because Oracle outbid their other gigs." They led with Eat the Rich, so at least Oracle workers had that.