Letterman got busted in a sex scandal, and of course, it was great fodder for his late night competition and contemporaries. Leno, Fallon, and Bill Maher all took shots. Video after the jump.

So, Leno—who still has a bitter rivalry with Letterman, even in a different time slot—clearly had to seize upon the opportunity to get at his former head-to-head rival. He looks to have enjoyed himself:

Jimmy Fallon got to take his first big shot at some of his Late Night competition. "There's a new book out called Why Women Have Sex that has a list of the 237 reasons why women have sex...and Letterman knows the top ten," he cracked. Skip to 3:03 for the magic moment.

And Bill Maher got one in, too. Via EW:

And on Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher said, "I've never had sex with members of my staff - the guests, yes, of course, but not the staff." He also said, "Hey, next to Roman Polanski and Mackenzie Phillips' dad, I think Dave looks pretty good."

Late night hosts: still assholes, all of 'em, except for Conan, who abstained, and Craig Ferguson, who taped on Thursday night. They almost could've done better, you know? It'd seem likely that the next best thing to a presidential scandal in the pantheon of inspiration for late night material should be another late night host's sex scandal. Guess not. In the great tradition of comedians roasting each other, you'd think they'd be able to produce something slightly better than Fallon's joke, of all people. And don't Maher and Leno's quotes—without reading too deeply into them—seem a little defensive? Either way, Letterman can't leave this thing looking too bad. He had to come clean and he did, though the truly surreal revelation that he didn't alert much of the production staff to what was about to happen just adds on to the strange nature of all of this. When's Paul Schaffer gonna freak the fuck out? That'll be the day.