Remember how Serena Williams went crazy and threatened to make a line judge choke on her balls and everyone was outraged by this American idol's unladylike behavior? Well, none of that matters to Tampax, which considers Williams a menstruating hero.

While Kraft and other companies have said they won't cut the still-popular Williams from their endorsement payrolls, the tennis player's even more valuable to her latest employer, Tampax, because other famous ladies don't want to be associated with such a sticky subject. So says a Tampax brand manager named Courtney Shuster:

This is pretty encouraging for the feminine care category. A lot of celebrities are not open to working with our brand, and we're thrilled that Serena is.

Indeed. It takes a lot of — um — guts to appear in the above advert, in which actress Catherine Lloyd Burns, playing the oh-so-clever "Mother Nature," insists there's no bad blood between her and her imaginary competitor, Serena. "Well, there is plenty of blood, but none of it's bad."

The New York Times points out that the NY Post found this line "graphic," but we think it's genius. We're sick and tired of commercials avoiding bodily fluids. Rather than seeing dancing bears extol the power of a toilet paper's absorbency, why not just say, "This product's great for diarrhea?" Maybe Serena and her brave, however tacit, admission of vaginal bleeding will change all that.