Cops Say the Lab Technician Was the Killer

Raymond Clark III has gone from "Person of Interest" to accused perp. The Yale lab tech was arrested this morning and charged with killing Annie Le. At least all the scrutiny wasn't misdirected. The latest news makes him sound worse.
Police (and media) had been staking out the Super 8 motel where Clark was staying; police went in shortly before 8:30 this morning and took him into custody. Since our last roundup of Raymond Clark news yesterday—when, honestly, even the vaguely incriminating things sounded like they could have had plausible innocent explanations—he's now looking a bit shadier. In hindsight. Today's newest factoids:
Clark's Sexual Assault Allegations in High School
In 2003, Clark's high school girlfriend told police she wanted to break up with him but was scared of what he might do. The New Haven police chief has refused to discuss this case so far.
After [a detective] spoke to the two students at the school, the girl went with her mother to the police station to talk to him, according to the Independent.
The girl "wished to tell me of an incident that took place; however, did not want it pursued by this department," Washington wrote. "She stated that she had been having a sexual relationship with [Clark] and that at one time [Clark] did force her to have sex with him. The relationship did continue after that incident; however, she is unsure of what he may do as a result of the breakup."
Clark Explains His Injuries [New Haven Register, NYP]
Sources also told the newspaper that Clark bore bruises, scratches and abrasions on his arms and chest, as well as a mark on his right ear and under his eye.
He said some of the injuries were suffered during a softball game, the others were cat scratches, according to the Register.
More From His Girlfriend's Blog
The NYP dug up a more extended 2008 excerpt from the Myspace blog of Jennifer Hromadka, Clark's fiancee.
"Spring is in the air and this time of year it seems that the rumors pop up more than the flowers (at least that is how it is [at the Yale animal-research center where the two work].) I have noticed recently that my relationship seems to be the focus of a lot of these rumors! . . .
I could be a bitch and give it right back cause lord knows some of the 'people' deserve it but I choose to ignore the rumors and try to keep in mind that the people that are the source are a bit jealous.
[Clarification: This is just information, not incriminating information. Okay.]
Mr. Clark grew up in a rented gray house in a working-class neighborhood of aspirations when a nearby factory was humming. Jim Garrett, 65, who lives two doors down, said the house the Clarks lived in deteriorated as the years went by and the factory closed, and eventually Mr. Clark's parents moved out. They went to a condominium in Cromwell, Conn., north of Middletown, where Mr. Clark's mother works in the Wal-Mart across the street.