In your world-beating Wednesday media column: Vibe's former editor moves up(?) in the world, people amazingly still want to buy the Sun-Times and BusinessWeek, the college newspaper marches on towards death, and media elites marry.

Danyel Smith, the editor of Vibe before it folded, is the new executive editor of The Root, Slate's black-focused site. So while the old editor of Vibe moves on to a thing partly founded by Henry Louis Gates, the new editor of Vibe comes from fat ass-featuring mag King. Not sure what that means, honestly.

A group of Chicago-area investors have offered $5 million in cash and the assumption of $20 mil in debt for the Chicago Sun-Times and the rest of the Sun-Times Media Group. The buyers say they'll "pump tens of millions of dollars into the company to try to shepherd it back to profitability," and eventually fail. Elsewhere in funky media ownership news, Businessweek reportedly has 93 potential buyers. Ninety of whom are just doing it to get a free look at the binder? We're guessing? Are there even 93 humans left on earth who really want to own a magazine? No, there are not. Even Tyra Banks is online only.

Cheers to the young thinkers of the student government at the University of Texas at Arlington, who are trying to pass a measure to make the college paper go online-only. Here's how to decide: Does the print version turn a profit? If not, kill it. See also: this.

DC media elites are uniting as one in a power wedding of convenience (and love???)! Jeff DuFour, a gossip columnist for the Washington Examiner, got married to Jayne Sandman, the associate publisher of Capitol File magazine. Huh. Well we didn't say it was super-ultra elite or scandalous or anything.