In your proper Monday media column: One newspaper attacked by Harry Reid, another newspaper attacked by Blondie, women's magazines that sit at the checkout line unread, and a reporter hurt in Afghanistan.

Easily caricatured Nevada Sen. Harry Reid is in a "flap" because he got mad at the hometown Las Vegas Review Journal and then he went to some luncheon and saw the paper's advertising director—"a hard-working Nevadan who toils every day on behalf of advertisers"—and Harry Reid told the guy he hopes his paper goes out of business because it totally sucks, and also does not like Harry Reid. This prompted an indignant editorial, which is about the extent of the "flap" at this point, due to the rapidly waning influence of newspapers. "Flaps" aren't what they used to be.

Some joker sent a fake bomb to the Naples Daily News, but when bomb techs finally opened it all it did was play "Call Me" by Blondie. That's kind of a good one, let's get real.

Cami McCormick, a CBS News correspondent, was injured by an IED while on assignment with a US Army unit in Afghanistan. She's now being treated, but no specifics are available on her condition. Get well soon Cami.

Magazine circulation news! Of the bad sort. Overall newsstand sales were down about 12% in the first half. And women's magazines did the worst—Ladies Home Journal, for example, fell 46%. No extra pennies in the supermarket checkout line, MYSTERY SOLVED.