A French gorilla named Yeboah will soon travel to London to play — and hopefully mate — with three girl gorillas who live there. While some think he should be excited, he should actually be scared.

In an effort to get the ladies excited, London zoo keepers gave their three female charges a picture of Yeboah, who, by gorilla standards, is apparently quite the looker. Well, the ladies looked at the images, tore them up and then devoured them.

Still, officals aren't deterred and are convinced that one slutty primate named Mjukuu, "a terrible flirt," will be Yeboah's first date. And, possibly, his last.

On a related note: human fascination with animals' love lives is either an excellent illustration of inter-species empathy or a terrible example of mankind's pathetic nature. You be the judge.

Image via mahalie's flickr.