Chris Brown Sentencing Reveals International Brawls with Rihanna

We knew Chris Brown wouldn't go to jail for beating Rihanna, so we can't say we're surprised a judge sentenced him to 1400 hours of community service this afternoon. But it's worth noting that the infamous incident wasn't isolated.
According to a new probation report, the pop star duo's physical altercations spanned the globe: Rihanna once slapped Brown while in Europe, and, like the real man that he is, he shoved her against a wall. Then, while visiting Barbados, Brown became so infuriated with the "Umbrella" songstress that he broke her cars' windows. Tsk, tsk.
Considering Brown's violent history, the judge insisted today that Brown's community service include hard labor, that he attend domestic violence counseling, and also enacted a 50-yard restraining order that expires in 2014. No more basketball games for these two tough love birds. We bet you're sorry now, Brown.