
Barney Frank Was Never Sorry for Threatening to Blow Up Your Car

Camille Dodero · 03/19/13 06:40PM

Former Representative Barney Frank is not known for saying polite things to make people feel better. He will not "pretend everything in wonderful" when it is not. He will cause a scene when Fire Island ferry employees refuse his senior discount. He will not indulge an inquiry into his emotional state after getting passed over for John Kerry's open Senate seat, instead retorting, "If I wanted to talk about feelings, I would have called Oprah."

Robert Kessler · 01/04/13 10:30AM

Barney Frank, who literally retired from the House of Representatives yesterday, wants to be a Senator now.

Barney Frank Leaves Congress, Won't 'Pretend Everything is Wonderful'

Mallory Ortberg · 12/09/12 04:25PM

The Boston Globe has interviewed Barney Frank, along with some of his friends and fellow representatives, as he prepares to leave office and take up private life, where he will hopefully find a way to capitalize on his increasing resemblance to the late Buddy Hackett. There are a lot of wonderful takeaways in this article, assuming you choose not to focus on the recent redistricting or the current state of the House of Representatives but instead on the fun stuff.

Barney Frank Is Charming As Ever on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Matt Toder · 02/23/12 01:10AM

Barney Frank is retiring from Congress and also marrying his longtime boyfriend in the near future, which means he had plenty of charming material while guesting on tonight's Jimmy Kimmel Live. He's really one of the good guys.

The Most Heroic Gawker Characters of 2011

Maureen O'Connor · 12/27/11 11:32AM

We loathe a lot of people here at Gawker, mostly because we recognize that humanity is irreversibly doomed and the future holds nothing but Kim Kardashian dancing in six-inch stilettos on the graves of the poor. (Silver lining: Well-aerated grave grass.)

Barney Frank Has Liberated His Man Boobs

Jim Newell · 12/19/11 05:00PM

Theoretical question: What does a congressman who never bothered to tie his tie properly, comb his hair, or button his top shirt button even when he was trying to win elections dress like after he's announced his retirement and stopped caring entirely? It really is an interesting theoretical question.

Watch Barney Frank Fart on Live TV

Matt Cherette · 08/09/11 12:04AM

Since our economy is going to hell in a handbasket, why not distract yourself from the economic doom that is now upon us with this clip of Rep. Barney Frank letting out what sounded like a giant fart tonight while chatting with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC? As you'll see, his hips most definitely don't lie.

An Actual Bill to End the Federal Marijuana Prohibition

Jim Newell · 06/22/11 03:15PM

It would seem natural, given America's many current, profound problems that need to be resolved to avoid its total destruction, that more people nowadays would view federal investigators and their coordinated SWAT teams equipped with auctioned-off military weapons chasing around pot dealers as a waste of limited government resources.