Honorable Leader Kim Jong-Il Was Right All Along About U.S. Journo-Spies

Current TV journalist Laura Ling did actually momentarily, for a second, "very, very briefly" cross into North Korean territory before she was arrested there last March, her sister said. Kim Jong-Il was right! Let's go to the official record.
From the (North) Korean Central News Agency, your only unbiased counterimperialist source of official DPRK propaganda:
3/21: "Two Americans were detained on March 17 while illegally intruding into the territory of the DPRK by crossing the DPRK-China border." Was apparently true!
6/16: KCNA Detailed Report on Truth about Crimes Committed by American Journalists: "at dawn of March 17 unidentified two men and two women covertly crossed the River Tuman to intrude into its bank of the DPRK side in Kangan-ri, Onsong County, North Hamgyong Province. The two women were arrested on the spot." Also maybe true, who knows? Fast forward to...
8/5: "Clinton expressed words of sincere apology to Kim Jong Il for the hostile acts committed by the two American journalists against the DPRK after illegally intruding into it...The measure taken to release the American journalists is a manifestation of the DPRK's humanitarian and peaceloving policy."
Kim Jong-Il cannot tell a lie.
[Pic: Getty]