Time Inc's Southern Accents is the latest victim of the Great Magazine Die-Off. The full memo:

To: Time Inc. Employees
From: Sylvia Auton
Re: Southern Accents

After much deliberation, we have decided to close Southern Accents. The September/October issue will be the magazine's last, but SouthernAccents.com will continue to operate.

Southern Accents is an elegant, sophisticated brand that has resonated with its devoted readers for many years. However, in this difficult economy, we must focus our investment on our biggest and most profitable brands, so we have had to make this difficult decision.

I want to thank the many talented and hard-working Southern Accents staff for producing such an admired and well-loved publication. We hope to retain as many of these talented individuals as possible and will encourage hiring managers to consider them first for any open positions.

Sylvia Auton

Update: The New York Post's Keith Kelly follows up on the memo and reports that the closure will cost about 20 people their jobs.