So: with the announcement that Jon Gosselin is considering having his own solo gig, I asked our commenters this morning what we should name it. They responded. We have nominees, and a winner. TV Producers: listen close.

We got some pretty great ones, and some pretty terrible ones. Almost all of them were scored by me, and you can check the scores in the original thread if you'd like. I promised our winner a star, and a star they shall get (in the event our winner was already starred, well, they just get glory, and something like :) from us). First, in no particular order, a sampling of the runners-up:

And finally, our winner, from aLostLady: How Jon Got His Deplorable, Falsely-Achieved, Over-Played Groove Back.

Heh. Not exactly catchy, kind of awkward, but fairly accurate and a show I'd probably watch...uh, if only for Richard's recaps.

Job well done. People: set those DVRs.