New York Not Nearly as Fashionable as It Was Last Year

Ouch, this one hurts. A trend-tracking organization based in Texas has determined that New York is no longer the world's fashion capital. Yeah.
According to the Daily News, New York is now Milan's bitch when it comes to fashion:
Milan, which ranked fourth last year, has ended New York's five-year reign as the globe's top town for styling designer duds, an annual survey released Monday shows.
The survey ranks cities partly based on how fashion terms like "haute couture" and "mode" are used to describe them in the media, on the Internet and in the blogosphere.
"It was very, very close," Paul Payack, president of Texas-based Global Language Monitor, said of the survey.
The Big Apple's backseat status isn't just a swipe at designers and models. Economic woes helped seal its second-fiddle rank, Payack said.
He said the recession had a noticeable effect on recent Fashion Weeks as designers tried to show off on the cheap.
"The parties were not as big," Payack said. "That was enough to knock New York off just a bit. And Milan seems to have had a very strong fashion season, very well praised and a lot of noise about it."
If it's any consolation, New York did rank ahead of Paris, London, Rome and Des Moines. So there.
Milan sashays past New York to top list of most fashionable cites [Daily News]