Exorcise Your Gay Demons in Connecticut

Feeling gay? Wishing you could rid yourself of the evil gay demons haunting your soul? Well you're in luck! The Manifested Glory Ministries Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut will exorcise your gay demons, just like they did for this 16-year-old boy.
The pastor of the church explains their motivations:
"We believe a man should be with a woman and a woman should be with a man," the Rev. Patricia McKinney told The Associated Press. "We have nothing against homosexuals. I just don't agree with their lifestyle."
Ha! How very Christian of Rev. McKinney to contradict her "We have nothing against homosexuals" statement with the "I just don't agree with their lifestyle" statement that immediately followed. Truly breathtaking.
The church caused a stir after it posted a video of the exorcism onto their YouTube page. In the video, which has been removed but can be seen in the news report below, various church members weigh in on what's taking place in front of them.
"Rip it from his throat! Come on, you homosexual demon! You homosexual spirit, we call you out right now! Loose your grip, Lucifer!"
"Come out of his belly...It's in the belly - push."
"Right now in the name of Jesus, I call the homosexuality, right now in the name of Jesus."
Somebody drive to Connecticut tonight and rescue this poor kid from these crazy people. He's already going to have to work 80 hours a week as an adult just to pay for all the therapy he's going to have to go through after this. Who knows how much more damage they can inflict upon him if he remains under their influence.