Liz Becton Continues to Terrorize Washington With Email

Liz Becton, a scheduler for a congressman (a lowly Representative, too!) recently became famous for hating it when you call her Liz. It turns out that she is basically the single worst monster in all of DC.
Earlier this week, some poor woman who got reamed by Liz, repeatedly, in very unprofessional and unnecessarily mean emails, leaked those emails to Politico. Justice! And, plus side for Liz, now everyone knows that she prefers "Elizabeth" (and is a psycho). And now, more Liz emails, from Wonkette!
Last year, some mildly amusing and incredibly harmless emails from House schedulers were leaked to Wonkette. There was mild ribbing, from the famous Wonkette blogstress lady, about how it was kind of funny that no one knows where a grocery store is. Leaking these emails is, like, mild rebuke stuff, right?
From: Becton, Elizabeth
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 9:55 AM
To: XXX; XXX; Democratic Schedulers
Subject: RE: We Have a Mole Amongst UsWhat kind of nasty, petty, poorly written (Did these people graduate from middle school to high school?) site is And what a base, narcissistic, illiterate group of readers they have! I will never venture to that site again. It was a total waste of my time. However, this email is for the mole among us. You are a poor excuse for a human being. You are not a team player. If I ever find out who you are, I will gladly advertise that it was you who forwarded the emails to the low-rent wonkette site. I will further inform the Speaker's Office, Standards on Official Conduct, and all the other appropriate offices of what you did. And if you got paid for it, my lowly, putrid, little wonkette reader, you have committed a crime and you will be punished for it when you are found. I have contacted Telecom and I have informed them of what has happened and since it's a quiet day, they are checking all the forwarded emails from this list serve.
And to my team players and fellow schedulers, I apologize that I had to include you on this email. This email was intended for the lowly loser among us.
Have a nice day!
Elizabeth Becton
Executive Assistant/Office Manager
Office of Congressman Jim McDermott
Hah! The other ones about getting the lunch lady's name wrong, are also instant classics. This woman is a treat.