Well what the heck is going on with the Obama White House? Those pansy-ass liberals are just falling apart over there! First Sonia Sotomayor breaks her ankle at the airport (Who does that?!) and now Hillary has fractured her elbow.

Reports Yahoo:

Clinton was on her way to the White House when she fell and injured her elbow, chief of staff Cheryl Mills said in a statement released late Wednesday.

Clinton was treated at The George Washington University Hospital, just a few blocks from State Department headquarters, before going home. She will undergo surgery to repair her elbow in the coming week, Mills said.

Clinton was scheduled to make an appearance tomorrow with Angelina Jolie, an appearance that now must be canceled. The recent injuries to Sotomayor and Clinton point to one conclusion—Barack Obama hates women.

Hillary Clinton Fractures Elbow in Fall [Yahoo/AP]