Going to the theater can often be a culturally enlightening experience. But it does cost a lot of money. So when you do go, you want to make sure it's something good, right? Like something starring Ashton Kutcher!

Yes, the Twitter-obsessed, Muppet-headed actor may be coming to Broadway, as one of Neil LaBute's awful male characters, to boot. The playwright/director's play Fat Pig recently received a well-reviewed production in London, and now producers plan to move the thing overseas. And Kutcher might be the lead!

So if you're not too tired out from waiting in line alllll day just to see Anne Hathaway mangle Twelfth Night (for free!) in the park this summer, maybe next season you should go drop $100 just for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Kelso from that one show about the 70s be a jerk to a fat girl. That Miss Julie with Sienna Miller will just have to wait.