Bill Clinton has this foundation that he does a lot of traveling and fundraising for. Recently, he went to Argentina to dine with the president. Then he had a "noche de soltero" with a "morocha" known for being very "pulposa."

This means he got a lap dance from a big-breasted Big Brother contestant named Andrea Rincon. According to the Buenos Aires tabloids, anyway. Though Mr. Clinton says otherwise!

Her tale, best we can figure, was that she just danced, nothing untoward, and was paid "very well" in dollars by someone, but not by Clinton. She said she didn't speak to him.

A Clinton spokesman in New York, however, said yesterday that her story "is completely false. They were at the hotel playing cards with the former and current presidents" and "a small group of staff and friends." They were playing "Oh, Hell," he said.

Oh god, why even make that up? Does anyone really seriously care if Bill Clinton was gyrated on by some lady? The whole including the specific detail of what card game it was thing just screams of trying too hard, spokesman.

Update: We accidentally used a picture of the wrong Andrea Rincon. Also the right Andrea Rincon says Bill tried to buy sex, with her, for money!