Tens of imbecilic wingnuts turned out yesterday outside of Letterman's midtown studio to express faux outrage over his "perverted" jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughters, which in turn provoked Dave to spend almost an entire segment mocking them.

In the second segment of his show, Dave opens with a gag about the digital TV conversion and then has one of his writers pretending to be a fake protester march out behind him. This leads into his Top Ten, the subject being "The Top Ten Things Overhead at the 'Fire David Letterman' Rally," the highlight of which was number three—"When does Cheney get here with the waterboarding equipment?" And then "Lyle the Intern" shows up to mock Letterman's recent public embarrassment.

Meanwhile, we anxiously await Dave going after Palin regularly with both barrels blazing. He just has to do it, right?