In your shiny Monday media column: Spy magazine lives, David Carr survives, Dan Abrams hires, Dana Milbank thrives, and Fleur Cowles dies:

That new Stephen Colbert Newsweek cover? Total ripoff of Spy Magazine. Jeff Bercovici points out that this is okay because every funny magazine is a total ripoff of Spy, even if none of the writers have ever read a single issue of Spy, because Spy invented humor, in magazine form.

New York Times media columnist David Carr went through an entire internet-person party a lot like this one, for his column today, and didn't even insult anyone there, which is kind of superhuman., the media blog offshoot of Dan Abrams' PR firm, has hired Steve Krakauer of TV Newser as its new "TV editor." So there is at least one open job in the media now.

Just how wacky is wacky WaPo political wacky-pointer-outer Dana Milbank? "The Post's 'wiseguy,' as described in Yeas & Nays ran around the house with a pair of [editorial cartoonist Tom Toles]' very own tighty-whities over his jeans and even waved a pair over his head on the dance floor." Now that is wacky. Your move, Gene Weingarten.

Fleur Cowles, who in 1950 launched a magazine called Flair that "caused a sensation and is still admired for its coverage of fashion, décor, travel, art, literature and other enthusiasms of Ms. Cowles's," has died at the age of 101.