Is Chelsea Clinton Getting Hitched On Martha's Vineyard This Summer?

Chelsea Clinton may be getting married this summer to beau Marc Mezvinsky on Martha's Vineyard. Involved in this small tidbit of information: Ted Danson, Touré, the Obama's summer vacay plans, and a "democratic powerbroker."
Rumors about Chelsea's wedding to her longtime mans ("boyfriend") Mezvinsky are swirling again, now; it was last reported by the Boston Globe in May that the pair were to tie the knot this summer on Martha's Vineyard at Ted Danson's crib. A Clinton spokesman issued a denial, saying that "She's not getting married on the Vineyard or anywhere else this summer. It's absolutely not true." Yesterday came a report from former MTV VJ Touré, of all people, via New York Magazine, of all places (to find Touré, demonstrating his deep knowledge of both weddings and sources who are "well-connected residents of Martha's Vineyard"!) that the two are getting married in a different location on the Vineyard.
Insiders say that it's their understanding that the two will wed in late August, at the summer home of longtime Democratic power broker, and friend of Bill, Vernon Jordan, in Chilmark..."It's a multi-acre former sheep farm that's "up from the road, away from the rigmarole," says one Vineyarder.
Is Fort Greene resident Touré going Deep Cover on the Vineyard and/or weddings beat? I smell a book! Not really, but it'd be fun. He also mentioned that it's something of an "open secret" that Obama's gonna be vacationing in the Vineyard in August. If it's true, it's an impressive scoop on his part, and honestly, kind of makes sense: Jordan's a former Clinton adviser who's still close with that camp, and his place is slightly more low-profile than Ted Danson's digs.
Oh, and if you didn't know: Mezvinsky is the son of a former democratic congressman from Iowa who went to the hoosegow for seven years due to a decent list of white collar crimes, including (but not limited to) bank fraud and mail fraud; Mezvinsky Junior's a banker, now. Chelsea's the daughter of a guy who was impeached. So there's that.