On Tuesday we told you that OK! editor Jason Oliver Nixon and publisher Lori Burgess were likely to be fired within the next two weeks. Well, one of them was fired last night! Can you guess who it was?

Jason Oliver Nixon! Multiple sources have informed us that OK! founding EIC and current Kentucky-based editorial director Sarah Ivens flew up to New York to handle the canning. We're also told that Nixon will claim his departure is voluntary, but we all know better.

As you may recall, Nixon was appointed by Lori Burgess to take over for Katie Caperton after Burgess fired Caperton and a slew of staffers loyal to her because she didn't like Caperton's shade of eye shadow or something—-We can't remember—-The whole situation at OK! is so ridiculously out of control that we can barely keep up with it anymore. Nixon's reign as EIC lasted less than a month and included the worst selling issue in the magazine's history.

So who will replace Nixon? We've heard rumors that Katie Caperton and some of her fired staff have been contacted to see if they'd be interested in returning to work at OK!. Or will new editorial consultant Mark Pasetsky step up to fill the void as ringleader of this circus, in true consultant fashion? We wait with bated breath!