Stephen Colbert Issues Saucy Quote Re: Wacky Newsweek Stunt

Newsweek has enlisted Stephen Colbert as a guest editor in a desperate attempt for "buzz." It's totally working! Because we have obtained, via a publicist, via Newsweek's marketing team, a direct (outrageous!) quote from Colbert about his upcoming fake editorialism:
"When Jon Meacham asked me to guest edit Newsweek I jumped at the chance,
particularly because my guest editorship at Mature Honeys fell through. I guess
my photo essay of sexy housewives reenacting the Battle of Fallujah was too
"real" for them."
Is this what The Economist would do? No, it's more real, for a more real age, and a more real magazine, which is called "Newsweek—Now Realer, Just Like You, And The Internet."
Attention PR assures us "This is a direct quote from Colbert re: his guest edit spot, procured by the Newsweek marketing and promotions team." Savor the removal of the mainstream media filter! Stephen, please comment next on how much Historical Jesus content will be found in the issue—cover, or inside feature? Thx.
[Pic: Faithmouse]