Arnold Schwarzenegger was a guest on Jay Leno's show last night and Glenn Beck, Fox News' resident Barnumesque dildo, just couldn't pass up the opportunity to make fun of the manner in which the California Governor speaks, and even managed to do so quite horribly.

Ever since Beck was publicly neutered by the ladies of The View last week, we've found ourselves thinking a lot about him (So sad!). Specifically, we've found ourselves thinking a lot about how what little cultural and political relevance he'd held prior to his appearance on The View pretty much went poof after the cringe-worthy evisceration he was subject to on the show. We've been thinking that maybe we should just ignore him, that if we did perhaps he'd just go away?

Whatever, it's just something we're pondering, but it's hard to ignore the fact that the guy's deranged rantings pull ridiculous ratings at Fox during his time slot, and that there are legions of Americans who actually look to him for ideological guidance instead of just slapstick entertainment, which sadly makes him someone we have to follow.

And thanks to Gawker intern Krutika Mallikarjuna for pulling this clip for us!