So many reporters leaving their jobs now. What are they becoming? Hippies, and paranoid types:

Emily Achenbaum is leaving the Chicago Tribune and moving with her fiancee to a small house in the country, where she'll grow vegetables and chill out:

"You're becoming a farming housewife?" [My sister] shrieked.

Others have said that because we're keeping computers and cars, we're not dropping out "enough."

Fuck both of them, Emily. And fuck Sam Zell, too. Good for you.

An alternate model: Jim Hopkins spent 20 years as a reporter and editor for Gannett before starting a blog about the company, then getting some homophobic comments about himself from internet nuts, which freaked him out so much that he spent $2,000 hiring a bodyguard for one single day when he went to the shareholder meeting.

For that price I hope he killed somebody. This has been "Things that Former Reporters Do."