Long ago, two merchandising roads diverged in Hollywood, and Lauren Conrad took the pricey one less traveled by plastic reality show dolls, while Heidi Montag went cheap. Well, now Conrad is going cheap, too.

Embarrassingly cheap, given that Conrad's now belatedly following her Hills rival Montag down to where clothing overseen by unseasoned businesswomen with C-list-level fame belongs: Discount retail. From the New York Times:

Kohl’s is expected to announce Wednesday that in October, Ms. Conrad, 23, will introduce a casual California-inspired clothing line for young women...

Prices in Ms. Conrad’s clothing line are $20 to $60.

Her 2007 line, you'll recall, was priced at over $100 for a casual dress. At least she's under the same roof as Vera Wang now. The same industrial, hideous, fluorescent-light-strewn roof where Kohl's took the God-awful washed-out publicity picture above, before sending it to the Times.

You have to start somewhere! (Also, you have to end somewhere.)

[NY Times]