In your magaziney Thursday media column: Maxim UK's dead in print, Airline magazines go terrestrial, Michael Wolff's Vanity Fair retribution piece, and Esquire plays with toys:

No Need to Buy a Plane Ticket Just For the In-Flight Magazine Any More

Maxim's UK edition is folding its print product and going online only next month. Men's magazines are now in a position as precarious as porn magazines.

No Need to Buy a Plane Ticket Just For the In-Flight Magazine Any More

Delta is going to start selling its in-flight magazine, Sky, at news stands for $3.99. What?

No Need to Buy a Plane Ticket Just For the In-Flight Magazine Any More

Michael Wolff is fighting back! He's writing (we're guessing) a super bitchy article for Vanity Fair about his experience being smeared in the NY Post over the whole Floethe affair thing. Could the Michael Wolff- NYP beef continue until every last participant in the saga is physically unable to type, due to advanced arthritis and dementia? It's possible.

Esquire is like, the world leader in advanced gadgetry on magazine covers. They had that blinkety-bloop flashing plastic cover of the future, and now they have a mix-n-match cover of Obama, Clooney, and Timberlake, the technology of which hasn't been seen since rudimentary jigsaw puzzles were invented. Here's how they did it. [Vid via Ad Age]