Best Events magazine obviously wants a naive person willing to do, like, four jobs rolled into one, for cheap. But the publication can't say that, so instead it wrote this obnoxious, coded job listing.

The Mediabistro listing just reeks of "terrible, awful, life-scarring experience." Instead of just quietly deleting resumés from obviously desperate job seekers willing to relocate to exciting Norwalk, Connecticut from other markets, for example, there's a whole long disquisition on how terrible it is to have to hear from these people at all. It must be such an imposition to have a job where you have to see resumés from people who would move thousands of miles to have that very job!

Also, the listing expressly forbids people with too much experience, while at the same time emphasizing the need for a "go-getter" who can write, report and edit for the magazine while managing the website and sending out e-newsletters.

The magazine either honestly believes that someone with "1-3 years experience" can tackle all that, or it just blatantly doesn't want to hear from old/expensive people wise enough to say "I am doing literally everyone's job while you guys drink margaritas all day, WTF?"

Hiring gullible young flunkies: It's all the rage these days.