Power-Hungry Censor Gutting Forbes?

Multiple sources tell us Forbes, the troubled, Bono-backed right-wing business magazine, is set to lay of 50 or 60 employees tomorrow. And Carl Lavin, a power-hungry editor, is behind the bloodbath.
Already, Stewart Pinkerton, an old magazine hand who had overseen the integration of the magazine's newsroom with the Web team, is "retiring," though our sources believe he was actually forced out by Lavin, an ambitious Forbes.com editor who previously worked at the New York Times. Lavin's next target, according to a tipster, is Tom Post, an editor high on the print magazine's masthead, who's been "shut out of the decisionmaking process."
What journalistic accomplishment is Lavin best known for among the Forbesians? Trying to censor his son's high-school newspaper. In 2001, when Austin Lavin was being impeached as student government president at Walt Whitman High School in a Maryland suburb, Carl, then an editor in the Washington bureau of the New York Times, sent a letter to a school superintendent demanding that copies of a school newspaper detailing the trial be removed and that a school television-news segment about it not air. (Lavin told the Student Press Law Center that he merely raised privacy issues about the airing of the story.)
Austin Lavin now runs a startup, Myfirstpaycheck.com, which he has been busily promoting on Forbes.com.