Some Noah's Ark Shit Is About to Go Down in Fargo

Fargo, the biggest and most Hollywood city in North Dakota, is, right this moment, on the verge of being flooded in Biblical-level deluge. How bad is it? Let us explain:
Fargo is currently protected from the swelling Red River by dikes. These dikes are 42 feet high. Never in recorded history has the Red River topped 40.1 feet. But tomorrow, it's expected to exceed 42 feet, and stay that high for several days.
People have been desperately filling and placing sandbags for days. This morning, they worked in a windchill of four degrees below zero. This cold temperature causes sand to clump and makes the levees less effective. Already, one has sprung a leak. Outlying areas are already flooded. The old and infirm have been evacuated. Now, Fargo is just sitting and waiting for the river to crest the dikes, at which point the entire city of 90,000 people will be consumed by icy river water. For days.
This will also ruin America's largest spring wheat harvest.
If that is not the opposite of 'fun,' we don't know what is. [Pic: Getty]