This is actually totally enraging. I worked at AIG for a year (yeah yeah, stone me later, I didn't get any of the money), and the cubicleland drones have been wigging out since last September. Everyone keeps getting fired, no one knows what's going on, work is both sporadic and overwhelming (they give you a demanding task, and when it's 80% complete the project gets axed)...

Most of us never met the dicks getting the big money, considering there are about 500 of the selfish bastards throughout the enormous company. And I'm now hearing from old coworkers who are literally shaking as they go to work in the morning, worried that some nutbar will show up with an uzi. Colbert's pitchfork seems to have been a turning point in the "we're fucked" stakes.

Oh, and resignation won't help much either — AIG's turning out to be the kiss of death on a resume. Also, if they leave, then the company collapses and takes all of the public's money with it.