The man you see hiding behind the blue binder is Josef Fritzl, the sick Austrian who plead guilty to enslaving his daughter for 24 years in his own rape dungeon. But what about the binder company???

Hey, all publicity is good publicity—whether from an athlete, movie star, or from one of the world's most notorious monsters, who enslaved, raped, and impregnated his own daughter in a cellar for a quarter century. [This is translated by Google, but you get the gist]:

"Any free advertising is included, especially given the global interest in this process," says Martine Poppe, Head of Customer Services of the Belgian manufacturer. "All of our brand, we prefer a more positive character related. But it is no different."

"But just our folder pops up during the process, it proves that we as a brand mean something," said Poppe in Het Nieuwsblad.

[Telegraaf; Pic via Reuters]