Obama's Odious Bailout for DC 'Social' Mags

Washington has three sad "social" magazines: Washington Life, Modern Luxury's DC, and Jason Binn's Capitol File. We can't believe all three are still publishing. And Obama had them all over for tea!
The Reverend Moon-owned Washington Times, a noted newspaper-of-the-working man, is of course shocked that a liberal who claims to like poor people would have these socialite leeches skulking around The People's House. We're shocked that he thought any of those not-long-for-this-media-environment mags would even be worthy of his attention.
Just about every single word of the Times "exclusive" is hilarious in a terribly hacky New York Post-for-beginners attempted class rage way, so you should probably just read the whole thing. Like it derisively calls someone "chic and soignee."
So! The editors of those three magazines went to the White House for a meeting about how the Obamas can get everyone in DC's "glittery social scene" to, who knows, lobby their congress members for health care reform, or something. Hypocrisy!
While publicly identifying with the nation's have-nots, the Obama administration has been cultivating the Beltway social elite behind the scenes.
But... why?
The White House is "identifying taste makers in order to help create grass-roots interest in some of the programs they are working on," said Washington Life's Michael Clements, who attended the meeting. "They wanted to introduce themselves. It was certainly a departure from previous administrations."
Haha Washington Life's Michael Clements, who attended the meeting, said "my magazine totally attracts taste-makers and I have the attention of the president PLEASE PLEASE ADVERTISE PLEASE."
The outreach to the luxury lifestyle glossies, which cater to the region's highest socioeconomic strata with knowing coverage of everything from the choicest real estate and most exclusive parties to the plushest resorts and spas, is not the only recent evidence that the Obama administration is eager to forge ties with the nation's social and style arbiters.
Because if you are a liberal president you can only hang out with coal miners, children from crumbling schools, and unemployed RV manufacturers.
And you know it's in everyone's interest here to pretend Washington has an interesting and glamorous "social scene" or whatever, but it really doesn't, it's a bunch of wonks and hacks and a million journalists and a couple rich old ladies and a lot of douchebags. So, thanks for the attempted "Washington lifestyle magazine credibility bailout" here, Mr. President, but nothing's gonna save "the Young and the Guest List."