In your blustery Wednesday media column: the newspaper industry burns, News Corp can't handle hardcore music, NPR needs more black people, and the NYT sells a jet:

What is happening in the land of dying newspapers today? Only the usual tragedy and grief. The Miami Herald is laying off a fifth of its staff, and giving the rest pay cuts; the Seattle P-I looks to be going online-only soon; More cuts in KC, Denver, Sacramento, Modesto....just keep refreshing Romenesko.

Ha, Myspace had the bright idea to capitalize on all the god damn bands on there by starting its own label. So they signed a band called Hollywood Undead, which I judge to be some sort of ICP knockoff. But then a bunch of News Corp execs came in and told the Undead they needed to clean up all their lyrics, and they were like fuck that, so they took their music somewhere else! I thought News Corp execs would be cooler.

About diversity-oriented programming, the CEO of NPR said: "Have we done a good enough job? No, we have not, but we are going to keep trying until we get it right." Here's how you get it right: Give Tavis Smiley a blank check.

Last month, our very own Ryan Tate called for the New York Times to sell its corporate jet. Now, the NYT Co. is doing just that! Hopefully we'll all share in the consulting fee.