Bring Your Crazy Pancake Painting Idea to Life!

Dan Lacey, our favorite fantastical pancake painter, has just completed this Josephine Baker-themed vision of Michelle Obama. Otherworldly. Now we're giving you a chance to come up with an idea for Dan to paint. Historic!
Mr. Lacey has proven to be receptive to suggestions from us, which is how we got that 'Nick Denton With Pancakes' masterpiece. Now we're looking for the single best suggestion from you, the edumacated readers of Gawker. You all love politics, pancakes, paintings, and things that look like they may have been inspired by peyote. It's a natural.
Put your suggestions in the comments. We'll pick the best ones [Note: they do not necessarily have to be pancake-themed], then let you vote on them next week. Then we will tell Dan Lacey to bring the vision to life, and he will, if he feels like it! Actually he says he is "Happy to participate." The last time we ran this sort of poll we created the classic slur "Nilla." That is the level of historic-ness you're dealing with here, people. Submit your ideas now!
[And you can bid on that Michelle Obama painting here]