Eight Years Later, an Arrest Is Expected in the Chandra Levy Murder

An illegal immigrant — and not Rep. Gary Condit — is expected to be arrested for the murder of Chandra Levy who was having an affair with the California Congressman when she disappeared in 2001.
Levy's parents told the media today that D.C. police had told them they were expecting an arrest in the case in the next few days. Investigators have been recently building their case against Ingmar Guandique, who immigrated from El Salvador in 2000. He's already in prison for attacking two women in the same Washington, D.C., park where Levy's body was found.

Cable channels and tabloids were full of speculation that Condit was involved in Levy's death, and the story grabbed headlines worldwide. Meanwhile Guandique's attacks on women jogging in Rock Creek Park, attracted much less attention. And, as the Washington Post explained in a series about the Levy case last summer, the park police detective investigating him didn't try to link him to the Levy case because "It wasn't mine to pursue."
So, basically, everything you learned from The Wire about the way cops work is true.