Oscar Tug-Of-War Pits Ledger Versus Ledger

Kim Ledger had plenty to do yesterday on his long flight to the Oscars, starting with an acceptance speech no one quite expected him to deliver on behalf of his son Heath.
Which isn't to say that anyone has yet confirmed his or her role as the Sunday night's official Best Supporting Actor proxy. Maybe the mystery is just one component of the Condon/Mark Surprise Parade™, or, as seems increasingly likely, it reflects uncertainty among the Ledgers, Michelle Williams and Warner Bros. over just who should stand for the late actor upon his imminent Oscar victory Sunday night.
At the very least, we thought it was agreed that the Academy would hold the statuette for 3-year-old Matilda Ledger until she reached 18. But her grandfather was ambiguous on Thursday, noting to TMZ's tape-wielding hellhounds that he'll hold it for her "forever." As shrieked at the top of Tom O'Neil's lungs, that's not really how it works, but we've long sought an unprecedented Oscar custody battle, so may the best Ledger win. Or, should the Academy lose its nerve, may it simplify everything and just give the award to Robert Downey Jr.