Michael Phelps will be in distinguished company at the World Business Forum, joining Jack Welch, T. Boone Pickens and George Lucas at Radio City Music Hall. Phelps' lecture? How to "relax."

The Olympian bong-sucker is touted in a brochure emailed to business executives as teaching lessons in how to achieve "HIGH PERFORMANCE." Heh. Here's how:

Prepare relentlessly, follow your discipline rigorously — and relax.

Phelps can offer some quality Do's and Dont's on how to relax, we'd imagine. "High" performance is a topic he might want to avoid, though. Maybe go with "Top" performance in the future, Mike.

Organizers of the forum might want to offer their own seminar on public relations: They prominently omit Phelps from Web pages listing top speakers at the event, apparently mentioning him only in the physical brochure. Given Phelps' likely-sky-high fee, that's not some random oversight.

(Thanks to the business tipster who emailed us the scan above, taken from the brochure.)