In your informative Thursday media column: Wired's publisher is out, John Updike's death begets a new book, NYP employees are pissed, and good and bad ideas for newspapers:

Chris Mitchell, the publisher of Wired, has moved over to become the publisher of Conde Nast Traveler. I don't know, Mitchell; Wired was more popular with Gawker readers, which means everything in this business.

The Newspaper Guild is exploring a plan to have union employees of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer buy the paper, which is on the verge of being shut down by Hearst. Sounds like a great way to keep their jobs and lose all their money all at once.

New York Observer book review editor Adam Begley is going to write a biography of recently deceased literary figure John Updike. "Mr. Begley said Mr. Duggan first approached him about doing a book about six months ago, but that at the time he didn't have any great ideas for what that book might be. Mr. Duggan got in touch again the day after Mr. Begley's Updike obituary ran in The Observer, and plans for this biography were hatched shortly thereafter." Sometimes things just work out!

Michael Miner warns that the general public won't really care about the disappearance of real journalism until it's actually gone, at which point demand will return along with new models for paying journalism. Which is exactly what will happen.

Employees at the New York Post are just as pissed about the racist cartoon as everybody else is. And bonus quote from Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs: "I have not seen the cartoon, but I don't think it's altogether newsworthy that I don't spend a lot of time reading the New York Post." Ha, I can't help but like you Gibbs, you press-hating prick!