Martha Stewart offered recession-time grocery shopping tips today, demonstrating how even small changes to one's routine—say, laying off a couple gardeners or only consuming local foie gras—can have a huge effect on the bottom line.

Her definition of frugality veered from that of her magazine staff, however, whose advice to keep a well-stocked pantry didn't necessarily benefit from their boss embellishing, "Oh absolutely—I'm always having Mike the helicopter pilot touch down the Air Martha at Scaglio's Market in Katonah so I can pick up their 40 varieties of homemade pasta." Still, she managed to redeem herself in the following crafts segment, as Making Your Own Money Using Parchment Paper and Homemade Green Food Coloring proved to be a rousing success with audience members looking for a financial leg-up as they struggle to make ends meet.

Thanks to Gawker's Danny Groner for the edit. [Martha]