With the fires of NoisyNeighborConstructionGate quenched by a Vitamin Water peace-offering, tweeting lovebirds Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore found themselves in need of a compelling plot on which to hang their his 'n' hers streams-of-Twitter-consciousness.

And so we fall back on a goofy B-story, in which Ashton makes it his life's purpose to bring back a fashion affectation that has already made about five ironic comebacks in the past decade. And because behind every great, paisley-kerchief-wearing man stands the woman who bought that man the accessory for his birthday, we also get tireless Kutcher devotee Demi's cheerleading from the Twitter bleachers.

We don't know—if anyone could bring back the ascot, it's Ashton. Did you see what he did for trucker hats? Please excuse us as we return now to his stream to monitor what else he plans on bringing back. The last thing we'd want is to show up to Les Deux to find everyone dressed to the nines in wallet chains and clogs and realize we'd missed the tweeted memo.