Lord knows that NBC head Ben Silverman hardly needs another reason to fire another VP, but at least this one's creative: someone's hiring hookers on the corporate card!

The report comes courtesy of ABC News, which could only be a more delicious payback if Silverman-insulted ABC head Steve McPherson delivered the news personally, while taking the network's peacock mascot from behind.

Also, naturally, the brothel that was frequented by the unnamed NBC VP also serviced Eliot Spitzer—though they eventually banned Spitzer for being too aggressive (something they would never have to worry about from a flailing, Leno-appeasing NBC VP). The brothel's madam, Kristin Davis (not that one!), is fed up about prosecutors' disinterest in her comprehensive client list:

"Some of these guys, I was invoicing on corporate credit cards," she said. "I was writing up monthly bills for computer consulting, construction expenses, all of these things, I was invoicing them monthly so they could get it by their accountants," Davis said.

A spokesperson said district attorney Robert Morgenthau had "no comment" on the handling of Davis' case or her allegations.

Davis provided ABC News with a print-out of her computerized client list, the same one she says that was offered to the district attorney.

The document shows Davis kept meticulous notes about her clients, their credit card numbers and mobile phone numbers.

Silverman has announced plans to buy said list, adapt it into a mediocre sitcom (starring... let's go with Cheri Oteri as Davis) and broadcast it in five-minute increments seeded in between Leno's new 10pm slot and Conan. It will be called Fun Fun.