If you've spent any time second-guessing what exactly Gwyneth Paltrow is up to at her healthy-living passion project GOOP — and really, who hasn't? — the upstart Web proprietress has a word for you.

"Fuck the haters!" [Paltrow told Elle UK in an interview.] "I saw this blog of people writing horrible things about me and for a second your ego is so wounded. How could people hate me, my intentions or what I'm trying to do? I'm a good person and I'm trying to put good things into the world."

Well! After a thorough browse of our records we're relieved to know for once this isn't our fault. We liked Iron Man lots, and if we're being totally candid, her bowel detoxification regimen works like a messy charm! So yeah, haters, totally — cut it out already. It's not like she's Tina Fey.