Snuggies, Ambien, and Paint Fumes, Oh My!

What were Twitterati like Michelle Malkin, Xeni Jardin, and Michael Buckley high on today? Doesn't really matter — they're all addicted to Twitter. Today's most addled tweets:

Dmitry Shapiro, founder of also-ran online-video startup Veoh, wanted his staff to bare their backsides.

Conservative wingnut Michelle Malkin was honest with herself.

Intergalactic Boing Boing editrix Xeni Jardin inhaled paint fumes.

Michael Buckley, the gayest YouTube microstar in Connecticut, popped a pill.

Funemployed journalist turned social media consultant Courtney Reimer racked her brains.

Special bonus: Denver writer Gil Asakawa sent us a direct tweet. He wanted to teach us how to use Twitter. Thanks, Gil, but we're good!