Martha Stewart recently had one of her favoritest florists, Peter Seprish, on her show to discuss flower arranging. You associate with shady characters, Martha! Peter Seprish, a.k.a. Peter Party, is an awful white rapper.

When he's not arranging flowers with Martha (presumably in an exceedingly clean way), Peter has so many other hobbies! He was a member of the classic hip hop group V.I.P. Party Boys, makers of such hits as "Sugar bRitches.":

Not that there's anything wrong with being a party boy. But there is something wrong with being perhaps the worst aspiring contestant on the White Rapper Show—so bad that Jimmy Kimmel, of all people, feels justified in mocking your flow:

And was that Peter doing his strip tease on Pants Off Dance Off? Yes, I think it was (watch if you really want to).

Good for Peter for doing his thing, I guess. But as for you, Martha: You want beef? It's beef, oh yea! We're onto you and your inferior brand of rapping florists. Come on. You can do better. I hear Redman makes lovely bouquets.

[Thanks to tipster S. You have plenty of time on your hands.]