Until now, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore's adventures in Twitterland have been innocuous enough escapades, Ash offering up humorous, 140-character-or-less movie quotes, his clueless cougress responding with amusing concern. All that is over.

Loud construction on a new home next door—for "screenwriter Bruce Goldsmith," TMZ reports, who we could not locate on IMDb—drove both of them to their laptops to Twitter out their frustrations this morning. And like that, the good-vibrations of sweet Demi observations like "has anyone seen the incredible fingernail moon we have tonight?" were replaced with angry battletweets of the "neighbor doing consruction with 6 guys pounding hammers against steel at 7am is no way to wake up!"-variety.

Which, mind you, verged on polite compared to Ashton's thoughts on the matter:

this SOB owl feces cougar placenta jack bone dick! about 3 hours ago from web

Jack ass 7am building a god damn fort next to my house f'in up my view and noise polluting the entire f'in nieghborhood with pounding steal about 3 hours ago from web

holy moly I'm gonna lose it! about 3 hours ago from web

this ass clown has another thing coming! about 3 hours ago from web

I'm gonna kill my neighbor! about 3 hours ago from web

To underscore the severity of the cub-rousing racket next door, the endlessly tech-savvy Ashton then took to his Qik mobile-video-broadcasting account to give us a balcony view of his "fucking jackass neighbor...This is where my dickweed neighbor is building a house at 7 a.m., pounding on steel and welding right next to my frickin house." Unfortunately for Kutcher, however, Qik's stringently democratic commenting policies couldn't censor the reaction of unsympathetic user YouAreAMoron.